Statistics - General
475 entries using 172,671 words stored in 955,088 bytes.
60 comments using 2,891 words stored in 18,785 bytes.
0 trackbacks stored in 0 bytes.
0 static pages using 0 words stored in 0 bytes.
983,836 votes stored in 10,391 bytes.

10 Most rated entries
Bit of a scare. And a celebration. (3.18).
Very quiet (3.13).
Quite a week (3.12).
Don't feel well (3.12).
Hair today. More tomorrow (3.11).
At least it's Christmas (3.10).
We have normality. I repeat, we have normality... (3.10).
Wet (3.10).
High summer (3.10).
Still tired (3.10).

10 Most voted entries
Bit of a scare. And a celebration. (2,829).
31st December (2,777).
Off to Pahi. Not Piha, not Pahia. Pahi. (2,622).
The silly season (2,596).
Always in threes (2,586).
Trees. And another houseful (2,568).
Wet wet wet (2,566).
OK so far (2,566).
Don't feel well (2,559).
Just another week on the farm (2,556).

10 Most viewed entries
A quiet week (98,960).
Chickens, dolphins and politicians (66,695).
Owens family Christmas newsletter 2013 (41,895).
I fed the hippos (36,036).
Fireworks, drama and fish. (33,586).
The secret tunnel, and the bucket of A4. (25,179).
Recovering (19,242).
Haymaking (12,493).
Off to Pahi. Not Piha, not Pahia. Pahi. (11,141).
More on chickens (10,803).

10 Most commented entries
Off to Pahi. Not Piha, not Pahia. Pahi. (4).
Two weeks (4).
Wet and windy (3).
Chickens, dolphins and politicians (3).
Good progress (3).
Big decisions (2).
Camping (2).
Slime (2).
Easter (2).
Not quite to plan (2).