Not quite to plan 
Allan came round with a digger to do our driveway. He's scraped all the topsoil off that has built up over the years. I didn't realise we had such a wide driveway - we've had a paddock on top of it for all the time I've been here. He's also been digging out all the drains. So now we have 100 metres of building site between the house and the road. Hopefully I can get off to work tomorrow!

Got my car stuck trying to negotiate the mud. Bronwyn had to tow it out. Then I managed to lock my keys in the car yesterday. Ah yes, and our mail server died on Thursday, and locked me out of thousands of emails. Hopefully the guys can restore that one!

And Sigrid has decided to leave us to stay with another family. It was all rather sudden, and I won't say too much here. We all miss her.

This weekend was also the national brass band contest. I got to see most of the street march (while waiting for Bronwyn to deliver my car keys). There was one Australian band who got to the final corner and began doing what looked like a square dance. They went round and round for a minute or two with the next band getting closer and closer. Not sure what they were doing! We had the contest in the afternoon, and there were some very good bands, and it was only the D grade. We came a rather close fourth.

I just hope next week goes more smoothly!

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