Yesterday, I gathered up five towels and hung them back up in the bathroom. When I got home in the afternoon, two towels were in Rachael's room, one was in the lounge and slightly damp, and two more were rolled up and arranged in a ring on the front deck. The ring was lined with a plastic sheet and filled with some sort of slimy substance of Bronwyn's concoction. Well, it was initially. The slime had migrated and was making its way around the deck. I gather the girls enjoyed the slime bath immensely.

Meanwhile, I've planned a few projects for Christmas. I've repaired the electrics on the Youth Group's trailer (the one they use to transport the ever-present doughnut machine), I've bought some tough cloth to repair one of our chairs, some boards to put up in the loft for storage space, and some cement. We're considering taking on a lodger to pay the bills, but first we need to clear the room (hence the storage space in the loft), sell the old junior bed and redecorate the room. The cement is to fill a number of holes in the concrete outside. Plus I'm planning to do some research to find funding for the youth worker that the church is supporting in the local school, and probably for the brass band too, since it's going to cost us a lot of money to shift the new building even if the building itself is free. Plus one of my plum cuttings has finally sprouted, and I need to collect seeds from the trees for next year's planting.

So I won't be idle. But at least the rest of Auckland will be on holiday, so I'll be relatively undisturbed.

Provided there aren't too many incidents with the towels. And the slime.

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