A bit windy 
We've had major storms this week. Probably the strongest north easter we've ever had. On Tuesday night I set off to go to a brass band committee meeting. As I left, there was a bright blue flash in the distance. I thought it might be lightening, but lightening isn't usually blue. But the traffic lights were out, and the band hall was in darkness. We signed a few cheques by torchlight, and then went home. On the way back, I narrowly missed a tree that had fallen across the road. I turned round and was going to try and shift it, but then I noticed it was lying across the power lines and there were glowing embers where it had touched the cable. So I went back and called the fire brigade.

Shortly after, Bronwyn's brother Allan turns up and asks if everything's alright. I mentioned about the tree. He said he'd already cleared it, plus another up on the back road! The police and fire brigade had turned up and found nothing to do. Ah well. I guess by then the whole district was out so he wouldn't have got a shock... We had a game of UNO by candle light, huddled round the fire place, and then went to bed, with buckets placed strategically so we could refill the toilet. We didn't get power back until the next afternoon. It was still quite wild yesterday, but no more power cuts!

I missed one item last week. After the initial welcome onto the lower Marae, we were supposed to have lunch there. But somehow they'd got the message that there were only 50 of us. So after waiting two and a half hours, we were treated to a dinner of noodles and sweet & sour pork from the local Chinese! Even that wasn't enough, so the last 30 got fish and chips. Nobody seemed to mind though, and we had a very interesting time sharing as we waited for the food.

Rachael's been off at a Forensics Camp at Kristin School this week. Kristin is expensive, so it's probably about the only time I can ever say that my daughter goes to Kristin! She's had a really interesting time solving clues and hunting for fingerprints. Today was the trial, and they divided the teams into two for defence and prosecution. Neither side won, but Rachael is keen to go back next year.

Sarah had a bit of a fever on Monday, and hardly did anything. Fortunately it's school holidays, so she didn't have to! Next week Bronwyn's planned a few activities...

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