Saying goodbye 
Baby Faith passed away on Tuesday afternoon. She lasted a week longer than expected, long enough for us to take a plaster cast of her foot which Bronwyn plans to paint and mount on a board. She went downhill quite rapidly over less than a day. The funeral is on Monday. There was a fishing contest on Saturday, and Stephen, Allan and Ross were planning to go, but Ross decided to cancel their boat under the circumstances. He's also had to put down his dog, Suzy, who had stopped eating completely and was very ill. At the fishing contest, they decided to donate one of the prizes to Stephen and his family out of sympathy.

We had the motorbike rally last weekend. Princess had to be chained up for the morning. But that's all over now, and all that's left are some bare patches on the hillside and a couple of earthworks on the flat!

We're not having much luck with cats at the moment. Haven't seen Smokey for about 5 days now. He's not the sort to wander long distances, but has disappeared occasionally for a day or two. He's possibly found a new owner that doesn't have a dog. Princess has got bolder in her middle age, and now chases horses, although she stops short at 4 feet and slinks away again.

Baby Cooper was rushed into hospital with breathing difficulties this week, but is back at home now. It was probably a lump of phlegm down her windpipe, but quick action by Nanna saved the day.

Just been collecting firewood for the youth group bonfire in a couple of weeks time. It's in the hay barn. Hopefully that will give us enough dry kindling so we can get the fire going regardless of what the weather's been!

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