Back to school 
Rachael went back to school this week. This has made it quieter in the house, at least until quarter past three. She was supposed to go to the After School Club on Thursday, but came home on the bus. Just as well that I'd decided to go home early!

Bronwyn is working four days a week from next week, which means I need to be back at home for when Rachael returns. Bronwyn's job is going well, and she seems to have no problem with the long hours. She also seems to be losing weight, or perhaps her trousers are gaining. It's all keeping her fit, which is just as well because the exercise bike is feeling lonely.

We're in the changeable season now. It's been alternately warm and cold. Today it's warm and sunny, but it'll probably be cold again tonight.

Played trombone in church this morning, and it went really well. I think the acoustic instruments are making a comeback for once - we also had saxaphone, piano and cello, plus three guitars. Rather too many microphones!

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