It rained for about 36 hours solid this week. We had at least two inches. I know that because the dog bowl filled up with water. Any more and it would have overflowed. So now the ground is well and truly damp.

The calves are now out in a nearby paddock. This was largely because they were getting a bit large to handle close up, and were terrorising the children. Well, making them nervous, anyway. But they were also beginning to mow the grass for us, so it was only a matter of time before they mowed the flower bed too. Our new lemon tree has finally decided to produce leaves and a tiny lemon at last, after months of watering and fertiliser...

Haven't finished the cushions yet. Need a sewing machine!

It was the Loud Shirt day today at church. I wore a lurid green shirt with a blue and red tie. Rachael had a shirt with flourescent strips attached to it, and some rainbow fabric for a skirt. We were put in different categories (off-the-rack and home made) and both of us won first prize! It was a fund raiser - we got the right to choose where the money went.

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