Summer (yes, it's been a while) 
It's quiet after Christmas here. It's a good time to get things done. It's also a good time to get a csr park in Auckland. But take care, a lot of the plumbers, firemen and doctors are off too.

Festival One didn't go quite as planned. On the Friday before, Sarah got me to drill some holes in her toadstools so she could prop them up with a peg. On the Monday, I felt like I'd still got some sawdust in my eye. So I rang up to see the nurse. No nurses on that morning. But there's a cancellation in the afternoon. Or you could go to the medical centre. So we went to the medical centre (in my car), and they took a look, and rang up the eye clinic, who wanted to see me, which led to a three hour wait for the eye specialists. Meanwhile, Rach and Sarah drove the car and trailer and headed for the campsite. Eventually, we all made it to the campsite. I had a pile of medication for both eyes, to be taken once, three times, four, five and six times a day. The maths was tricky. And Rach had to drive me back three days later for a followup.

Fortunately we got the gas fridge working to keep it all cool, and Rach and Sarah had the tent up before we arrived. I couldn't see a lot though; each morning I'd stumble through the mist to the meal tent, grab my breakfast and return to safety. We got the toadstools up, although the crew tents were squeezed in tight and we were completely surrounded. I also got the paraffin lamp working. It's a railway signalman's lamp, and it has filters for red and green. Green is quite relaxing, but if you want to see anything with it, you need to take the filter off.

We were all pretty tired by the end. Rach and Sarah were on the security team, and had picked one 12am to 4am shift. And the weather swung between drizzle and hot and humid. But it was worth it. Some really fun bands, two featuring an Eb tuba, the ceilidh and a number of characters (I have a photo of Mario and Luigi dancing next to a man dressed as a banana) who made it memorable. Hopefully next year we'll all be in better shape.

It's the Kumeu Show this weekend. Bronwyn was on the St Johns stall today, and we're all on tomorrow. Apparently the band is playing next to the fire, the first aid and the St Johns stalls, so we should be well looked after.

Sarah started her part time job at the supermarket this year. After one month, the boss was going to be away, so Sarah was put in charge of the shop front and loading money into the tills. Apparently she was bored one day and started tidying the rack of lighter refills. The boss was most impressed. The other girls just sit there and scroll on their phones. Sarah has now started at university too, so it has been my job to help her with maths and get her up in the morning.

After a wet December, it's been pretty dry. Good weather for wasps; I found one nest and returned on a late night mission to puff in some powder. Fortunately they were all asleep. Ross has mended the gate that the cow smashed, although I feel it needs a little strengthening. But that paddock is now quite bare and the cows have been moved. That's useful; I can throw tennis balls for Duchy without them getting lost in thre grass. The trick is to throw them down wind and down hill. Less effort for the human.

Around Christmas we had a visit from a bat research society who put up an acoustic monitor by our dam. Don't think they found any bats; we haven't heard back. But my duck feeding mission is paying off. We now have about 20 regulars eating the food, and another 20 who sit and watch, and the acorns are almost ready. That means we'll have more shortly, come for the feast. At least they have plenty of water!

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