Apparently a duck had attempted to get her family across the motorway. This was going to be impossible to start with, because there's a metre high concrete barrier down the middle. Somehow, the police managed to corner them into a storm drain and then climbed down and fished them out. Made it to the NZ Herald...
Auckland is back in level 2. Gatherings of up to 100, social distancing and way too much hand sanitiser. Had our first church meeting for a while. We were a bit thin on the ground, probably due to Level 2, torrential rain, and the fact that our clocks just went forward!
I've got into the habit of signing in everywhere. There's an official Covid-19 app, but it only works from Android 6 onwards. My phone is still 4.4.2, and I'm certain that I'm not the only one! Especially when the latest outbreak hit a food storage factory where everyone has numerous jobs and even more numerous kids, and go to huge Samoan and Tongan churches in South Auckland. You need 100% coverage. So they make an app which needs Android 6, and scans an enormous QR code that would have space for most of Shakespeare. I got thinking. Why can't I take a photo, and it logs the GPS? How about a short code? A four letter code would have room for 456976 different combinations. OK, make that five just in case, and add another as a check. Now you just have to type in six letters, and it would work on Android 1. I'm guessing they never thought of that!
Spring has arrived, and I've been busy in the garden. One of the supermarkets has been giving away little plant pots with vegetable seed, so I've been sowing and transplanting, as well as planting out some leeks that survived the winter, spraying the roses, and planting sugar cane. While in Kenya I was rather surprised that cakes were unheard of. Or anything remotely sweet. Perhaps that's a good thing! Apparently sugar is expensive, but sugar cane is easy to get hold of. So I'm going to grow some and see what it's possible to make with it!
Just had the sheep shearing. Bronwyn counted 99 through. Then she left the 99, and went in search of Nibble. Nibble had decided to hang out with the older girls, and had crashed through the fence. Fortunately she's easy to 'rescue'!
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