Many thanks to our friends for opening their house for the week. We had time to catch up, and also got to see quite a bit of Sydney. I've seen the harbour bridge from about 10 different angles. We also went west to the Blue Mountains (OK, somewhat greyish in the right light), north east for a bush walk and some Aboriginal hand prints and rock carvings, and a day at the zoo.
Didn't need the zoo for some of the wildlife. No kangaroos, but every day we were greeted by the ravens. They're like crows, only with sore throats. Plus wild turkeys, white ibis and sulphur crested cockatoos. All big birds and all very interested in your lunch.
The day before we left to go to Sydney, Bronwyn noticed a little water on the floor. It hadn't been there half an hour earlier. So we pulled off the boards under the cupboard, and one of the pipes at the back had tiny teeth marks and was spraying a fine mist of water. Problem was, the cupboard was all glued together and we couldn't work out how to get to the pipe.
The plumber came out and fixed it. Didn't bother taking the kitchen apart. Went outside, pulled off the boards and fixed it from the outside instead in under an hour. Now that takes years of experience...
Finally have the fireplace going. Had the chimney swept a few weeks ago, but the top plate was very warped, and effectively all the heat was going up the chimney. So the chimney sweep ordered a new one. Unfortunately they sent the wrong one. We only got the correct one a day before we left. Not long after the plumber left! But now we've got a warm house and a dry kitchen, although we still need to fix the boards...
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