Here, there and everywhere 
Spent a quiet week catching up on work, and a Saturday helping renovate the house. Nearly sandpapered my thumb raw, and then spent another hour or two filling up holes with cement. My hands are nice and pink.

Went up to Coventry on Sunday morning, and spent a day and a bit driving all over Coventry, Bedworth and Nuneaton trying to catch up with everyone. The church was packed in the morning. I remember the evening used to be the main meeting, and the morning was (relatively) quiet and thoughtful. Not any more. There are now two meetings in the morning. A large number of Africans, Indians and orientals have joined, and all turn up for the second meeting, and they're planning to build a larger hall on the car park. In the afternoon, there are three meetings for the Ethiopians, the French Africans and the Indians. Non stop.

Did a bit of shopping this morning, drove home, and did a half day's work. Everybody wants me to go back up and visit again, but I won't manage all of them. Some of them need to come and visit me for once!

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