The engine light came on. I took it in, and did the service and warrant at the same time. The engine control unit was complaining about the RPM sensor. This came as a surprise, since I wasn't aware there was an engine control unit, and I'm still not sure what it, um, controls. So we decided it wasn't worth worrying about. However, the engine had started juddering a bit, and losing power. So I took it back. They changed the spark plugs and one of the leads, and pulled out a bit of copper fluff from the distributor. Was that causing a short circuit, I asked? No, that was the RPM sensor! Somehow though, the RPM dial on the dashboard still works. As far as I can tell, the engine control unit just controls the engine light on the dashboard! Very reliable cars, Old Corollas. Nothing much there to break.
Rachael's been shut up in her room studying for the exams. Sarah's been pretty quiet too. She's on two hours a day school after being assaulted by a bookcase. She's probably bored. We now have the Christmas decorations down, and the tree is already up! Bronwyn's been out at the national Baptist conference. It's been quiet. But Casey has been sighted in various locations. Someone found her on the road about 300 metres away, so they put her in the nearest paddock. She made her way back and has spent a lot of time in the back garden. No fence is safe. At least she's focussing on the back garden instead of the roses and the veggie patch!
I've been working on a website for a friend, and it's about ready to publish, so feel free to have a play. He's an artist, and has made lots of inspirational paintings. He's picked a few with the idea of people being able to merge them with their photos, and order prints if they like the result. Here's an example below. Have a look at Graham Braddock Personalised Art
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