Summer, this week at least. 
Warm and humid. There's a haze in the air, and a vague smell. Probably came from Queensland.

The Light Party was absolutely cranking. Bronwyn made up 265 bags of sweets to give out to the children. We gave out the lot. Last year we estimated we had 200 children. This year at least 260! My legs hurt for two days afterwards, from picking up a tennis ball several hundred times. We had the police and fire brigade and St Johns Youth. Rach and Sarah spent the whole time painting children's faces. Next year we're going to have to register it as an official event with the police!

Rach has finished exams. She seems to have survived better than six months ago, so we're hoping she's got the maths sorted and can move on with Physics again. Otherwise, she's become a bit of an expert in Japanese Culture.

Might come in handy next year. We're on the list to have a Japanese student to stay for 10 days. Bronwyn has been slowly clearing out the end bedroom.

Sarah is now officially Back To Normal with her concussion, and is thus doing PE again, minus any contact sports. They're doing some training for a hike up Tongariro in the summer. Sarah isn't used to the exercise!

And Rach has paid for Sarah to do some ice skating lessons. Sarah wanted to learn, but never quite let go of the wall in the past. I took them out for the lesson yesterday. Sarah can now skate on her own! Hardly a smooth style, but she knows how to stay upright.

Thistle season seems to be calming down. Blackberry is still in full swing. The shears have seized up, but a pruning saw works quite well at digging under the roots!

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