Been a while... 
After a very wet Christmas, it stopped raining. We got hardly any rain for six weeks. Most of the grass is dead. Except for the Kikuyu. Apparently that came from Kenya and was brought in because it can cope with extreme dry. (It also does very nicely in extreme wet, and grows underground... everywhere!) But we've just had some rain for once. Hopefully that'll keep the sheep alive for a bit longer. At least we have lots of hay from the rain last year!

Rachael has made it into university. It took a while for them to sort out all the credits, and she also did a couple of assignments over summer in order to catch up. She's doing BSc Physics, and picked Anthropology and Ethics as additional options. It's been quite an effort getting this far, so hopefully she'll still have the will to take on the course material and cope with the year. She'll have to do calculus because she missed it last year. Someone's lent her an enormous book!

Currently at 4 cars. Bronwyn's, Rachael's, and my old one, plus a newer one I bought to replace the old one. The old one seems to drive fine after overheating last year, so I'm cleaning it up and I fixed the rust myself. And found the right paint for it! Now (after scraping another lot of swallow droppings off it) we just need to sell it.

Window frames all painted, plus the back door. I also shaved down many of the windows because they were sticking. There's still a few areas that got missed last year, and one of the kitchen windows is only held in by a few tiny nails. And a lot of rotten wood.

Sarah is back at school, and it's been odd only taking one to the school bus. But she had another bump on the head, which has brought back her concussion, so she's had to be very careful, and she's missed a few days off school. She's grown a lot since this time last year. She's taller than me now!

Didn't get to have a holiday this summer, although we've had a day out at a regional park, and Rachael had a number of friends around to camp out on the paddock. She wanted to let them watch the stars away from the city lights. Sounds like it all went well, and kudos to Rach for bringing home six boys at once. Don't think she's ever brought one home before!

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