Tried it, battery flat. Tried jump starting it on the car, then borrowed a charger overnight. Next morning, still no good. Ah. Put petrol in. Started first time.
Had quite a bit of rain since then. But at least the grass is cut.
We've had a quiet week. Rachael went to the indoor ski slope with a friend, and Sarah went to the movies with Mum. Other than that, it's been pretty quiet. School tomorrow.
We invited the local Maori to a ceremony on the church land this morning. We have 11 acres, with nothing but a few cows on it. It was part of a big plan to move to a new building. It's been part of a big plan for a while now. So at 6am (traditional Maori time, apparently) we had a blessing ceremony, and at 11am (traditional Baptist time) another service followed by a barbecue. 6am was very dark, cold and damp, and the ground was sodden. But the rain held off, and it all went well...
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