Rachael had her first clarinet lesson this week. She's missed three weeks. The first because of some special meeting for the new entrants, the second because she forgot, and the third because they had a special mass right on top of her lesson slot. But at least she can put the thing together. She can play a few notes too. I taught her those. I've taught myself to play the first few bars from Stranger On The Shore, which I always remember my dad playing when I was Rachael's age. Dad never let me play the clarinet then. He'd been told not to let us touch it otherwise we'd rapidly become better than him...

Bronwyn's made a water feature. She did most of it herself, and arranged a little fountain in a sunken trough. It's just outside our window, so it's quite relaxing to hear it tinkle away, unless you need a pee of course.

Looks like we're back on full time at work. Well, four days plus loads of overtime. We've got a lot of billable work at the moment, but no time to do it. So finally they saw sense...

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