Sheep herding in a Caldina, and a return to the Dark Ages 
Our phone line went dead on Friday. We reported it on Saturday, and discovered that quite a few other people were out too. Bronwyn passed a couple of guys working on the lines, and one of them mumbled something about a 50 pair bundle being at fault. It was supposed to be back Saturday night, but now it's going to be Monday 1pm. So we've got no phone and no internet.

Meanwhile, Bronwyn wanted to move the sheep into one paddock since they've been spread out all over the place, and Claire's goats were mixed up with them as well. Ashwin can be a right mischievous character. He waits patiently near the gate, waiting for someone to open it and turn their back...

Anyway, because Bronwyn's foot was hurting after a long day at school (Agricultural Day, in which both girls had to make numerous creations out of flowers and various other bits from the garden) she decided to use the car to move the sheep instead. This plan worked fine, until she tried going round the back to head them off, and got stuck in a swamp. I attempted to pull her car out with mine. I now know that a clutch smells like. Still works, sort of.

On Sunday, we managed to pull the car out. Tried the little tractor first. No good. Then Neil arrived with the big one. That worked. Spent a while returning all the vehicles back to the right place.

Spent a while digging out more brambles on Saturday. I went to check on the trees, and found loads of new bramble shoots coming up. A long day at church on Sunday with a get-together for the musicians in the afternoon. So I'm pretty shattered now. Haven't got anything done that I was planning to do, but did quite a bit of other stuff instead. Not sure what's going to happen tomorrow. Bronwyn is working, and Rachael is not feeling well. No phone. No internet. Not sure when you'll get this message, but hopefully it'll be fairly soon...

... Tuesday. Still no phone. Posting from work...

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