It's still Christmas 
Another parade this morning. Carol service tomorrow night. And another parade on Monday night. Then I've got a few nights off, and it's the final parade on Friday. The long one. It's over a kilometer, and we usually lose count of how many times we play the music. And lose a few music cards, shoes, bodies and trombone slides on the way. It's fun. But tiring!

I'm planning to do the coffee bar on the night shift again at Parachute, but this time I'll probably be going hard core and bringing a tent. I've found a silver one with a flysheet on TradeMe, which should hopefully be cooler for daytime sleeping. (I worked out though that it's better to split sleeping morning and evening to avoid too much jetlag). It'll be fun, provided I can find a quiet spot...

Christmas parcels are wrapped, but no addresses or stamps. Christmas letter is written, but not enough envelopes. We'll get there eventually, but your Christmas letters and presents will certainly be in good time for next year.

Another afternoon tea party at the old Kerr-Taylor family home in Auckland tomorrow. The Historic Places Trust are quite generous in opening it up to us for free. It's a huge old wooden house - they had ten children. Rachael loves exploring. Bronwyn offered to bring chocolate fudge brownies. Mmmm...

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