Not well 
Managed to put all the panelling back together on the bay window seat, but didn't get much else done. I was feeling a bit peculiar all week, and on Friday I went home early. By Saturday my eyes were bulgy, and I went to the doctor. He said it was just as well, because otherwise I'd have been in hospital by Sunday! By Saturday night, my face had swollen up and I had difficulty opening my eyes. After three shots of antibiotics, plus 4 other sets of tablets and eye drops, I'm just about feeling normal again. Didn't do anything all weekend, or indeed Monday and Tuesday morning. Doctor Harry wants me to take off the rest of the week!

Bronwyn's been busy colouring in various drawings, and washing puppets. She's taken the nail boards into work, and I gather she's making play dough as well. But she was asked to come in too often last week, and decided she really had to limit it to three days a week. They've just had someone resign, and she's just about the only qualified person there, let alone registered.

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