In the last week, I've done 8 hours playing carols. Bronwyn did two carol services this morning, and I got to play for the second one. But finally we have some peace. The family dinner is planned for tomorrow.
As usual, unlike many in New Zealand, we won't be going on holiday until the end of Jsnuary. Just as everyone else is getting back into work and hoping we are too. We're all going to Festival One again. Preparations are underway. Bronwyn and Sarah have been making some toadstools to put outside the tent. And every year we acquire more solar powered lights andchargers.
I didn't mention the car. Bronwyn's brother Allan borrowed her old car (that we'd been trying to sell) to drive up north. He didn't get there. Fortunately an off-duty policeman found him in the ditch shortly afterwards. Allan's OK, but due to a possible blackout from a heart issue, he hasn't been able to drive, and hence hasn't been able to work. He's doing fine, and has been doing some work around the farm instead. The car was a write off, which actually did us a favour.
We might be needing Allan shortly. We moved the cows last weekend, but three calves doubled back and didn't go in. So we shut the gate and left them in the hope that they'd go in the right direction once they got hungry. They didn't. The cows did. The next day, the gate was broken in two. Completely. I also note that they've created a new route into the hay barn. We need to work out which cow currently has a sore head...
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