It's really hot here. We missed out on the storm last week; it passed about 400 miles away. There's another lot heading for us. I've been monitoring the Met Office website, and willing the rain to come out way. The paddocks are really dry. I did my back in last week watering the trees. It would have been worse if it wasn't for the hosepipe - I joined all four lengths together and stuck one end in a nearby cattle trough. But it only reaches partway down the hill, so the rest I had to do by bucket. I went over yesterday. It's all dry again!

Bronwyn had a tooth break last weekend, and went to the dentist on Monday. He's given her a temporary cap, and sorted out the forms to get two extra teeth added to her denture plate. There's a couple of small fillings needed where the plate has rubbed against the teeth, but apart from that the others are fine. She's currently helping out with the haymaking, and then we're over at Mum and Dad's for a birthday tea.

Bronwyn has applied for work at an agency. It went well, and should be all OK once the normal police report is through. She'll be doing relieving at various child care centres around the district.

My car failed re retest for the warrant. The brakes were still not balanced. I took it back, and was told that they needed time to bed in properly, having been sanded and cleaned. However, our mechanic's son is now back, and he's qualified to give warrants. He sorted it out for free, plus a pack of beer that we brought round as thanks...


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