We've had two lambs in for feeding. One was found in the ditch, and recovered a bit, but then died a few days later. Another got separated from her mother in the confusion, but she's doing extremely well. We've already had to build a substantial barricade to keep her in the garden. Leia (as in Princess) can jump four feet with ease, and runs at nutcase speed. Sarah's pleased. She's planning on entering a lamb again for Ag day. Plus another two chickens.
One of last year's lambs has had a lamb. This is also unusual. Must be something in the water.
We've had a couple to stay from Singapore, and they're planning to meet up with us when we're there in December. We've now got a couple from Brussels, and after them, a girl from Taiwan. You've heard of the Cat Lady. Well, this is Kitten Girl. She's really looking forward to the visit with all the lambs around!
We've been making the most of the extra help. They've been mounting patrols around the sheep, cleaning the house and doing the washing up. I've been to get some wood and we've been making shelves and a shoe rack (plus the lamb barricade!), and finishing off the second chicken shed. I'm hoping to build a couple of nesting boxes, and then we'll be set up for Sarah's new chicks.
Rachael's tired. She went on a hike up The Pinnacles. I did tell her about my experiences earlier in the year. Sounds like it all went well, apart from a cloud right at the top. But she's been doing very little today!
Work has become a little tricky. My colleague Dave is currently on honeymoon in Cuba. The internet there is almost non-existent. So we've been communicating in short bursts whenever he can get some connection in a noisy cafe across town. We've also got Daniel in Romania. So it's been very tricky organising meetings. There have been some rather expensive phone calls. But we seem to be getting on top of it somehow!
Apparently the church is on two phases, and used to have a couple of ancient fuses on the power pole. These worked fine for years, and would cope with a short surge to 75 amps, even though they were rated at 60 amps. Now they've been replaced by modern fuses. This is the cause of the power cuts every time we switch on the heaters! So now we're doing our best to be careful. Roll on the new building. We've now got plans to build a joint facility with a Maori school on a block of land that we've owned for years. If all goes well, work should start next year.
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