Getting hairy 
I'm now on "active observation". Basically, the treatment worked, but I'm on three monthly checkups and monthly blood tests. My hair is growing back, but it's only the fine wispy stuff at the moment. I have quite a bit of fur on top. I've had a couple of colds, but otherwise I'm attempting to get fit again. Planted potatoes. That sort of thing.

Things have been quite busy. Sarah needs new glasses. Specially tinted varifocals. And braces. It'll cost quite a bit, but the tax refund should be through soon. Bronwyn is taking Rachael and her friend Emily to the Autism conference soon. She's also been planning the Big Trip in January. Meanwhile, I've had a very busy month at work. This month will be quieter. Hopefully not too quiet.

Getting cold, but only one real frost so far. We've had a rather wet summer and autumn, and the grass is very green. The pukekos have also been doing well. I think they're referred to as purple swamp hens elsewhere, and they're common in southern Europe and south Asia. They like to pull up plants and eat the roots. Or just pull them up in some vague hope that one might be edible. They also like persecuting the chickens and shrieking loudly at anything that moves. We had a friend round to dig over the garden. Bronwyn told him about the pukekos and so he brought a rifle and got five of them. Allan got three shortly after. Our friend came back to do firewood, and got another three. Bronwyn spotted nine in the paddock today, shrieking at each other. There must be hundreds out there, and they just move in to fill the gap!

Had a good concert with the brass band too. Packed to the back. It was a joint performance raising money for the local school, so many of them were parents, but quite a few others too.

For Sarah's birthday, we taped streamers over the door. For Rach, we did baling twine and an exercise ball strung to the doorknob. Sarah had a movie night with some friends, and Rach had a family do.

Still got some cake left.

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