Coughs, colds, and a queue outside the door 
I've been off sick with a cold this week. Sarah's had a bit of a cough, and Rachael's been rather tired. It's been quite cold this week too. Last night, Bronwyn had trouble with asthma, and rang up the doctors, who told her to call for an ambulance, and they took her into hospital. She still had her pink fluffy slippersm which caused quite a stir with the paramedics, and enabled me to identify her room when I arrived because her feet were sticking out... We were there for about four hours until everyone got bored and they let us go home. Bronwyn's back on steroids and extra ventolin.

Robyn from Shanghai arrived on Friday, and got thrown in at the deep end when Bronwyn went into hospital! She's going to be joining Auckland University in July, so she's off into town tomorrow to look for student accomodation. We had three others wanting to stay too, and three more emails came in today. Not sure why everyone wants to see New Zealand at this time of year!

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