More chaos 
Let's see, where are we?

Only three more chairs needed. Two to pick up (for a dollar each) and I might wait a bit before I acquire more. Got over 3 metres of material left, so I should be OK.

The boys got our server up and running, and then concentrated on moving one of the most active sites onto a new server. They were in late for most of the weekend again. This week, we found that the old server had been hacked, and had been like that since April. So last night they were up past 1am cleaning it up and securing it. No real damage done, but we decided to change all the passwords just in case. Hundreds of them.

Meanwhile, we had a meeting with the Ministry of Education to present our ideas for the new project, and we all seem to have come away with conflicting ideas of what got decided. So there have been quite a few emails flying around.

And we're in a cash flow crisis, but that seems to be low priority at the moment...

Meanwhile, we had a church camp over the weekend, and all four of us went. It all went really well, with a big emphasis on team building, hence everything from three-legged races to balancing on see-saws. We were all shattered on Sunday evening.

Bronwyn's brother Neil had his birthday party on Sunday afternoon (we caught the end of it). Sarah's birthday was yesterday, but she doesn't know; we're saving the party until next week, when it will be Rachael's birthday as well. The trampoline arrived safely, but hasn't been constructed yet.

Missed the solo contest at the band on Sunday. I wanted to play Cavatina (very slow but really high) but we were off at the camp. Never mind. We've got a packed rehearsal schedule for the next two months, so I won't get much rest until mid July.

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