Lockdown again 
Apparently Trump has picked us out as an example of a country that's had a major outbreak. Ms Ardern was not impressed. But it does mean that we're back on lockdown, or at least just the Auckland region, and at level 3 so we still get a bit of freedom. One new case today, plus another two from recent arrivals in isolation. Everyone's hoping that we'll be out of it soon. Well, most people. Sarah quite enjoys not having to get up early for the bus!

Sounded like it came in with food at a cold store in South Auckland. Or a contact with a sailor on the boat it arrived in. It's hard to tell; there hasn't been any evidence either way. Just wash your hands after opening that packet of frozen shrimps, OK?

Bronwyn and Sarah got to go on their whistle-stop trip to the South Island for our old pastor Sam's induction as army chaplain. Quite a few others turned up to support him too. Between the ceremonies, they had chance to wander round the airfield, but it sounds like it was quite a busy day.

Everything else has been cancelled of course. Or postponed. Church is back on Zoom, plus Youtube and Soundcloud. One of the brass band contests has been postponed to November. I don't think many people were planning a wedding this time of year though!

I'm trying to pick the most appropriate time of day to practice trombone, but it's tricky with everyone doing assignments and homework. Rach's maths has begun to go beyond the limits of my orbit, and she's found it hard, but it's quite something to get that far. In turn, she's been helping Sarah with algebra. Sarah's also finding the maths hard, but she's working through it without too much help. Bronwyn has a major assignment due at the end of next week. It's perhaps good that we're stuck at home because we've all got time to get through the homework!

Four lambs in the back paddock. We lost one pet lamb last week, and one of her twins, but the other one survived. A friend has taken a fifth lamb for them to raise, and we've got a few other people who wanted a pet lamb. We've been out regularly checking on the sheep. Sounds like the dog might have been out in the sheep last night, but picked the paddock with the big monsters in it. We've still got the council dog trap, so we'll get that set up again.

I have cleared one whole paddock of blackberry. I've also cleared the garden and thrown in a few potatoes and carrots, plus some lupins. Chopped several hundred thistles too. But it's raining all afternoon today, so I'll write this instead! It's a privilege to have such a huge back yard and good soil. Bronwyn's mum gave us rhubarb, broccoli and a bucket of limes. Bronwyn made rhubarb and apple crumble, and we've been looking up the recipe for lime curd. I'm still working through the guava jelly....


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