We've had rain at last. About 4cm, and more is on the way. I've been watching the MetService website with great interest. We had a series of high pressures standing guard over the country for several weeks. Then one of them let its guard down, and a herd of low pressures piled in from the north west. Another high pressure made a desperate attempt to regain posession, but was bulldozed by a second low pressure that charged right through it. So much rain fell on Friday that a great cloud rose up from the central plains and came back to Auckland. So we had more rain on Saturday. That cloud is still heading north west, and has teamed up with another low pressure, planning to return for a third go on Monday. Once that lot goes through, there's another one behind it ready for the weekend. It's going to be a wet start to February, but the grass is happy.

It's going to be a busy few weeks for me too. I'm off with the band to return a visit to the Katikati Concert Band next weekend (raining or not). I'm on the church roster to play twice and do the computer three times. Bronwyn's friend Natalie is getting married in March, and the band is playing at two contests and the agricultural show. And that's just as far as April. Hopefully it should calm down after that.

Bronwyn is still awaiting her police check for the agency job, and has been applying to a couple of other places too. We're rather short of money this month, so we need to earn more or spend less!

Sarah has adopted Bronwyn's nighdress, and has sucked it to bits. For valentine's day I bought Bron a couple of new ones. Sarah isn't allowed to suck those...

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