I've come down with another bacterial infection. Currently pumped up on steroids and antibiotics. Managed to get back to work on Thursday, but didn't do a lot. I'm now on the Watchdog contract, and they pay monthly in arrears, which means I had three weeks with no pay. Fortunately I had about 7 weeks hoilday owing, so I've cashed up three weeks to keep us going this month!

Bronwyn's birthday went well. We had quite a few friends, neighbours and relatives around, and plenty of presents! I bought her some little bookshelves - six of them. They're lined up by Bronwyn's bed. Plus some book tokens of course. Many thanks to every one who turned up!

Still eating the cakes...

Rachael's got her uniform for school next year. It's second hand and a bit faded, but it'll do for now. She's also got her certificates for the exams she went into earlier in the year - she did Writing and Spelling, and came out very well again. Sarah is managing to read slowly. She'll get there eventually.

It's now warmer, and the grass is growing. We managed to get the lawnmower going again after jump starting it a few times!

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