Need more sleep 
Didn't get a chance to write anything last week. I spent all of Saturday selling books for the church gala. I thought we'd just have about 5 boxfulls, but when I turned up, there must have been closer to twenty. Fortunately some people had sorted out most of the books apparently they were bored) so I just had to arrange them and sort out some last minute boxes.

Bronwyn and the others went to the school gala instead, which was rather wet and muddy since it was outside and raining. They came home with a box full of toffee apples.

Apparently there was a third gala on the same day. Didn't get to that one.

On Sunday evening, we had the AFS people (all the exchange students and their families round for dinner. We had a spit roasted lamb. Which required a spit roaster, and a lamb. The spit roaster came from a hire shop, on a trailer, and it took two of us to shift it off and set it up. The lamb arrived courtesy of Bronwyn's dad in a large cloth bag, ready gutted. We had to work out how to mount it on the pole.

It roasted fine, although it was the fattest lamb I'd ever seen, and we ended up with a bucketful, and plenty more still on the lamb. I lifted up one end so all the fat ran out and didn't burn. Much.

Bronwyn brought out the toffee apples for afters!

Last Friday we had some friends to stay from Singapore for a week. We picked them up from the airport some time after midnight, and once they'd got up the next day, we had a tour of the farm. Followed by a birthday party for Claire's son Cooper, and a dinner round at our house. On Sunday (after getting up early to run the computer at church) we went to the Underwater World in Auckland, followed by a trip to the beach, and another dinner at Bronwyn's parents. Fortunately the clocks went back, so we had an extra hour's sleep, but I'm still a bit tired.

Picked up some football boots for Sigrid today, that she had bought on the internet. They're lime green. At least we'll be able to find her in the dark.

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