Normality returning - take 2 
We've had an old clock sitting on the mantelpiece for a few years. However, late last year it stopped, and wouldn't go again. So a couple of months ago we finally took it in for repair. It's now back, and ticking quietly. It also has three different chimes, but we don't use them. They last quite a while, they go every 15 minutes, and they're so loud it's impossible to hear the television. So we've left them switched off for now.

Bronwyn was supposed to go in for an operation last Monday, but it got postponed. So she's back with us again. She's also been asked to work Monday and Thursday for the next three weeks. Meanwhile, Rachael's going to a social skills course at the hospital, which is on Thursday mornings. Last Thursday I took her in, and spent 20 minutes in a traffic jam. Will try a little earlier next week...

Bronwyn's parents are returning this week. They've done thousands of miles all over England, Scotland and Wales. They're spending a few days in Singapore before returning home. Meanwhile we've managed to lose the bull, a couple of sheep and two lambs, and one of the older calves went missing under mysterious circumstances. We've also had the padlock on the gate go missing too. But Allan's rearranged several paddocks with a large digger, and done some major work on the farm. We've also got quite a horde of lambs in the paddock who spend a lot of time running around randomly in a pack. Fun to watch.

One last thing to sort out. Sigrid, if you're reading this, we've got a present for you. And no, I'm not going to wait until Christmas.

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