The CD, the bomb and the secret passageway 
The girls have suddenly discovered ABBA. Apparently one of the staff at kindy was playing some music, and Sarah took to singing Mumma Mia continually. Rachael joined in too, altering the words to "Diarrhoea" etc as any self respecting nine year old would. Bronwyn managed to find an ABBA CD, and they've been playing it repeatedly ever since.

Last week, there was a loud bang. It scared all the cows and sheep in the valley. It happened at the end of the road, next to a pole. The police were called to the scene. All they found was a ripped up pet food bag, some rubber gloves and other rubbish including a box of condoms. Their comment was "at least they were playing it safe". Seems like someone was playing with acetylene gas, and filling things with acetylene and oxygen, and then lighting them. No damage done, but the police got an interesting afternoon out.

Border Collies are an intelligent breed, most suited to sheep herding and other farm work. What is not also appreciated is that they're good at covert surveillance. I decided yesterday to pull all the weeds out of the concrete at the bottom of the front steps. I had almost finished when I pulled out a particularly large clump of grass, and revealed a hole. It went down about 30 cm, and appeared to run right back under the house.

The hole had been dug out by our dog, who had got under the house, dug right under the concrete steps, and then continued out under the driveway. There, she had an unparalleled view across the front lawn, with room to snooze in complete secrecy. Very clever breed...

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